Glen and Bertie St.Gemme Photo #1
Glen and Bertie St.Gemme Photo #2
Grandma Kate Welch Griffin (Richard Welch's Mother)(Bertie's Grandmother)
Mama and Papa Welch with Norma Jean and Walter
Grandma Kate Welch Griffin and Grandpa Richard Welch and Grandma Nora Welch
Front row : L to R David White, Anna Jean
Welch, Ruth Ann and Joyce St.Gemme
2nd Row: Walter Welch, Nora Welch, Hazel
Welch, Freida White,Kate Welch Griffin, Iva Chappelle
3rd Row: Dick Welch, Glen St.Gemme, Fred
White, Maurice Chappelle, Earl Welch
Back Row: Ruby Welch, Bertie St.Gemme